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Diversity & Divergency

Diversity Dischmersity!

“And now, the end is near, and so we face, the final curtain.” – Paul Anka This week marks the end of our first deep dive focus; Diversity &...
Diversity & Divergency

The stupidity of crowds

They say that two heads are better than one. But you tell that to someone caught in two minds! And while many hands make light work, too many cooks...
Diversity & Divergency

Making room for Muslims

The news was playing in the background showing the usual montage of brown bodies, beards and foreign accents. The topic? I don’t remember. It could have been anything from...
Diversity & Divergency

Loving the Alien

“The nail that sticks out gets hammered down” – Japanese proverb “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.” – Often attributed to Oscar Wilde – probably not Oscar Wilde...
Corporate Creativity

Diversity & Divergency: one without the other is useless

Yesterday I announced our upcoming series exploring ‘Diversity & Divergency’ throughout March and April. You’ll be familiar with ‘diversity’ but ‘divergency’ is something that you may not have heard...
Open for Ideas

Open for Ideas